Inscription 2980444
- children
- id
- 0be16e7032b2e14cc0a0cf07ff0cf9b3f02a01089e70f23f1481b08921e2310ei0
- metadata
- CrashPunks Metaverse
- We do cool stuff to bring together the nicest people in Web3
- address
- tb1pu649vtdm5u623v0r2r2zvstjwqcy5mp3096tcmcaun4j8pas8msqak6edl
- output value
- 500
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 11590 bytes
- content type
- image/png
- timestamp
- genesis height
- 2585847
- genesis fee
- 9500
- genesis transaction
- 0be16e7032b2e14cc0a0cf07ff0cf9b3f02a01089e70f23f1481b08921e2310e
- location
- 59f9fba6f99bb0c4591a887bba7df90e7f346800df869b223440381a5927baf0:0:0
- output
- 59f9fba6f99bb0c4591a887bba7df90e7f346800df869b223440381a5927baf0:0
- offset
- 0
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0xBe8B30FD55b4eA6656d798c2C947ad343e0B1D26